January 04, 2011

New Year Wishes and Resolutions

During the holidays, we reflected back on 2010 and highlighted the year's top ten achievements. Potential new treatments for lupus passed several milestones on the road toward approval, public and private investment in lupus research continued to grow, awareness of lupus received a boost from celebrity involvement, and several new LFA initiatives fueled efforts to improve future lupus clinical trials.We are now looking forward to the brand new year and continuing our efforts in 2011.

But enough about us, we'd love to hear from you! Do you have any resolutions for the new year? Do you have any hopes and wishes for the lupus community in 2011? Share your thoughts with us and we will compile responses from all over the web in a blog post later this week.

It's going to be a great year.

1 comment:

Headstrong said...

Hi there, I love the idea of sharing our resolutions! Below please find the link to a blog post I did on this very subject.


Note the project I've started - "The Lupie Log" - which I hope to maintain and get the word out concerning as one of my resolutions for 2011. You can read a bit more about it/learn how to submit here:


Do feel free to just show the link to my blog, or excerpt the portions of it that fit with your post. I love this blog, and I thank you for maintaining it!
