February 24, 2010

Spring 2010 Issue of Lupus Now Magazine ... Coming in March to a Mailbox Near You!

The BIG news on the upcoming Spring 2010 issue of Lupus Now magazine is that singer-songwriters Julian Lennon (son of Beatle John Lennon) and American musician James Scott Cook are featured on the cover! These two have given their unwavering support to our lupus awareness and research efforts, and their exclusive interview can only be found in this issue of Lupus Now!

Are you wondering whether what you eat can affect lupus? Be sure to read our article on “The ABCs of Nutrition.” While we do not have a specific lupus diet to offer you, there are definitely certain foods and vitamins you need to know about.

“Think Again” looks at the invisible changes caused when lupus affects the brain. These complications can affect your ability to retain, recall, and process information. In many instances, though, the coping strategies we offer can help you find your way.

Sometimes you have to just say ‘no’! In “Time Out” you will learn how to say, “No, I’m sorry, not today,” nicely but firmly. (We recommend you start with friends or family, who will be sympathetic, before you try this out on your boss!)

You also can read about some of the exciting lupus research taking place in the U.S., and around the world. This summary of lupus-related information presented at the 2009 meeting of the American College of Rheumatology appears in the Health Care Professionals section.

And have you noticed that lupus has been in the news a lot lately? Find out where in the Foundation News section.

Subscribe online to make sure you never miss an issue!

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