April 03, 2009

Do You Want to See How / Where Lupus Affects the Body? Then Try the LFA's New Interactive Tool.

The Lupus Foundation of America has created an interactive tool
-- The Impact of Lupus on the Body -- that allows users to better understand the many ways lupus can affect the body.

The interactive tool depicts a human body, and as users scroll over each organ system, it becomes highlighted and features a text box with a brief description of how lupus can damage that particular organ or system.

Individuals will also be directed to complete the "Could You Have Lupus?" symptom checklist and answer a series of health questions based on current and past medical history. After completing the symptom checklist individuals have the option to print out a report with their answers to share with their doctor.

Try our new tool today, and learn "the impact of lupus on the body."

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