November 03, 2008

Lupus Blog Spotlight: Despite Lupus

Good morning everyone:

It's been a while since I've done this, and so I would like to share a lupus blog with you. It is called Despite Lupus. It's written by a woman -- Sara -- who lives here in the metro Washington DC area ... Alexandria, Virginia to be exact.

Here's a little bit about Sara ... in her own words.

"A little more than 7 years ago, I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, or SLE. I had been married less than 6 weeks, was at a highpoint in my career in television production, and had little interest in letting a chronic illness upset my plans for the future. Lupus had a different idea, and while I fought to keep hold of the life I'd known (demanding, yet fulfilling career, busy social life, packed vacation schedule), after four years of running my body into the ground, I couldn't take it anymore. I was fighting life, instead of living it.

Over the course of about two years, I downshifted almost every aspect of my life. I quit my job and made it my number one priority to get myself back in good health. I'm proud to say that I've reached my goal, but work each day to maintain that healthy lifestyle.

Today, I am living well, despite lupus!"

If you have some time, swing by Despite Lupus and say hi to Sara.

That's the lupus scoop from my end.

Until next time, Wick

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